- First use your Google account to sign in. If you do not have one, press on the Get Started button.
- If you are making a new account, put in all the details in a table like the one below
Email address
(must already exist)You will use this address to log in to Blogger and other Google services. We will never share it with third parties without your permission. Retype email address Type in your email address again to make sure there are no typos. Enter a password
Must be at least 8 characters long. Type password again Display name The name used to sign your blog posts. Email notifications Send me feature announcements, advice and other information to help me get the most out of my blog.Gender Birthday
DD/MM/YYYY (e.g. "13/03/2011") Word Verification - Then, after you have signed in, you will recieve a message saying Create a Blog. Click on it.
- First, it will ask you to choose a name for your blog. It will be as following:-
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